Laying the Foundation Identify a Telework Coordinator
If you plan to implement telework with 10 or more employees , it is recommended to identify one employee as the telework coordinator . This person should manage the overall telework program to help improve the quality and effectiveness of your organization ’ s program . The telework coordinator , typically an individual in human resources , is responsible for organizing teleworker schedules , arranging proper equipment for each teleworker , tracking program progress and promoting the benefits of telework among employees .
Establish a Telework Committee
The first action for the telework coordinator is to establish a planning committee composed of representatives from human resources , legal , information technology and management . This group can help establish program goals , objectives , written policies and procedures and develop an implementation plan and schedule with milestones . The telework committee should be responsible for determining the three most important elements of your company ’ s program : policy , training and evaluation .
Create a Telework Policy
Good communication is the essential element of a successful telework program and all employees should know the program ’ s guidelines and expectations . The telework policy should define program parameters , including which positions are best suited for telework . Additionally , the policy should include necessary forms or documentation , including a telework contract / agreement .
Below is an outline of the most important elements for a telework plan :
• General policy statement with program definitions
• Program goals and objectives
• Explanation of the process for program participation
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