The importance of implementing telework solutions , both from a financial and human resources standpoint , have been widely documented and quantified . However , despite these inherent benefits , many organizations still are hesitant to implement telework , often because there are lingering doubts as to how to manage workers remotely .
Recent studies indicate that teleworking barriers are not technology-related , but rather stem from cultural implications . Typically , managers feel if their employees are out of sight , then work is out of mind . Despite the advances in technology to thwart this myth , managers still prefer to be “ hands-on ” and closely monitor workers to ensure work is getting done . Additionally , managers fear that if employees are working from home , they will feel more disconnected from the organization , and begin to decline in performance and productivity .
Beyond the cultural aspect , one of the major impediments to adoption of telework is the inability to manage a telework program effectively , and not having the necessary resources to provide a productive environment . Most managers still have doubt as to whether telework will work for their organization .
The following guide will provide managers and supervisors with the necessary information to implement a mutually beneficial telework program . Specifically , this guide is designed to educate managers about implementing a program , including how to :
• Develop a telework program ;
• Determine which employees should telework ;
• Break down the cultural barriers ;
• Select the right tools for telework ;
• Ensure security with teleworker ’ s equipment ;
• Launch the program ; and
• Evaluate results to determine success .
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