Cyber Bullying and General Information - Volume 1, March 2014 | Page 8
Cell Phones & Bullies
By: Randy Ketterling, MEd., Psychotherapist
Randy Ketterling M.Ed. is a Psychotherapist in
private practice living in Newmarket, Ontario. He
has worked in the field of adolescent mental health
for over 20 years; he has worked at inner city
community mental health agencies, child protection
services, and is the retired Team Leader for the
Southlake Regional Health Centre’s Child & Family
Randy has lectured widely on the treatment of mental health difficulties and
consults regularly with Public and Private school boards regarding anti-violence
programming and child / adolescent mental health issues. He has worked to
develop and implement a number of in-school anti-violence programming initiatives
and continues to remain involved and donate his time to community anti-bullying
initiatives. Randy has sat on a number of area and regional committees that focus
on improving mental health treatment services in York Region. Randy is also a
retired High School teacher having worked exclusively among the Cree Nation
population of northern Quebec’s James Bay Territory.
This brief article on Cell Phones and Bullies should be read with the awareness that the
author possesses several highly biased views on cell phone technology related to
children/teens that may flow against many commonly held beliefs that I run into on a daily basis. Despite having these views thrown at me, I have yet
to find any hard evidence that I am incorrect in my assumptions. Cyber bullying has become a chronic issue in this generation of adolescents where
technology is advancing at the speed of light. The “connectedness” promoted in cyberspace has created “disconnectedness” in human real time
engagement. I do believe….