Cyber Bullying and General Information - Volume 1, March 2014 | Page 11
Monitoring Technology
Everyone tells you to monitor your child’s use of technology.
To do this you have to have time. You have to have explained to them that to earn
the right to use technology they need to be willing to learn the safest ways to use it
and to speak with you regularly about it.
Ask what they want to do with it. Ask what they like about it. Set ground rules from
the beginning. Keep computers in open spaces, know their passwords. Teach them
about communicating with respect so that they know what to expect from others and
when messaging seems to be disturbing to them or going badly.
If you or your child/youth think that some messages are mean or abusive print them
off, call the parent of the child/youth who sent the message or consult with the
school to get the name or number if you don’t know.
If mean or abusive messaging keeps up then change the number or shut down the
account and speak to the parent and the school again.
Remember, bullying is REPEATED behaviour so to get it to stop you may have to bring
it to the attention of others REPEATEDLY!
Kids often know technology better than adults so you may need to become more
informed about it, more familiar with it or more strict about its use.
You may need to step in and shut down the use of technology especially cell phones
and social media accounts for a period of time if your son or daughter seems to be a
target for others. No matter how much they want these conveniences repeated
exposure to hurtful people is not worth it!