Cyber Bullying and General Information - Volume 1, March 2014 | Page 10

Checking in with kids and youth! By: LABC & YRABC They come in from school and you say, “how was your day?” and they say “fine.” They come in from school and you say, “what did you do in school today?” and they say “nothing.” Sound familiar? Sometimes they can’t always remember the events that bothered them, sometimes they are just glad to be home. For many reasons parents are shocked to hear what has been happening at school when the bullying is finally identified. Here are some possible tips. When you get those ‘pat’ answers dig a little deeper. Ask what friends they have. Talk about what the signs of a good friend and a good friendship are. Ask them who they play with, where and when, at recess and lunch. Ask them what games they play, what role in the games, does everyone get a turn, does everyone play fair? Ask them how the kids they hang out with speak to each other. Ask them if they are always kind. Ask them if they always feel safe. Ask them what they would do if they didn’t feel safe. Ask them if they know what bullying, abuse and harassment are. Ask them if they ever see anyone else being treated badly. Ask them what they would do if they did. Ask them if there is an adult at the school they can speak with if they need to anytime. Ask them what the other kids call him or her. Ask them regularly, every few days or weeks. Watch for and expand when they seem to want to change the subject or minimize or excuse something that seems big to you. Remind them they should always tell you anything they feel is hurtful or cruel. Ask them if they are kind to others.