Curvz Magazine February 2017 Issue 6 6 | Page 32

I wasn ’ t shy about whoever I liked , whether she was “ the chubby girl ” or not ! Jchell : Did you feel there was a need for this song ? Chill Cortez : I definitely felt a song like this was needed ! I originally wrote the first version back in early 2014 , maybe late 2013 . I was inspired because as much as I like bigger women , I KNOW other people do too , but it seemed like nobody else was making music for bigger women ! I thought it was messed up that the plus community gets overlooked except for a few sporadic shoutouts . I honestly feel like there ’ s people in the mainstream who even feel like I feel , but won ’ t openly express it because they might be “ afraid of what society will say ”, for whatever reason . So I wrote what was true to me in hopes that it would help somebody else .
Jchell : Do you plan on having an official music video for “ Big Fyne ”? Chill Cortez : I definitely do !! I hope to have it completed and released by March , or April at the very latest .
Jchell : What feed back have you received since releasing your song ? Chill Cortez : A lot of people love the song . It ’ s a blessing because I ’ ve had people tell me they ’ re glad someone released a song that directly relates to them , especially without being disrespectful or extra . I love that people can identify with “ Bigfyne ”.
Jchell : Do you have any upcoming projects ? Chill Cortez : Yes ! I am working on my first full body of work , “ Chill Pill ”, which I ’ m trying to have finished by March or April as well . “ Bigfyne ” will DEFINITELY be included on this project ! I also will be releasing clothing items really soon . T-shirts , hats , hoodies , and more !
Jchell : What social media outlets are you using to get your song out there ? Chill Cortez : I ’ m pushing it on my Instagram , Twitter , Facebook , and YouTube accounts for sure . “ Bigfyne ” is also available on iTunes , Spotify , Amazon , Tidal , and my official website , chillcortez . com !
Jchell : Please leave one tip you think is invaluable for aspiring / beginner singer / songwriter to know ? Chill Cortez : Well , I have 2 tips that go hand-in-hand : Keep GOD first at all times and NEVER give up . I know for a fact that anything is possible with these 2 tips !!
Jchell : Would you like to add anything to your interview or give a shout out ? Chill Cortez : Yes ! I ’ d like to add that I have a # BigfyneChallenge going on . It ’ s open