Curriculum Choices 9-12 | Page 25

CURRICULUM GUIDE 2014 CANADIAN AND WORLD ISSUES: A GEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS (GEC4U) This course examines the global challenges of creating a sustainable and equitable future, focusing on current issues that illustrate these challenges. Students will investigate a range of topics, including cultural, economic and geopolitical relationships, regional disparities in the ability to meet basic human needs, and protection of the natural environment. Students will use geotechnologies and skills of geographic inquiry and analysis to develop and communicate balanced opinions about the complex issues facing Canada and a world that is interdependent and constantly changing. Prerequisite: GET3E, GET30, GEP3M, or GEA3M WORLD GEOGRAPHY: HUMAN PATTERNS AND INTERACTIONS (GEW4H) This course examines how humans interact with their natural environments and with eachother. Students will study the influence of spatial, political, economic, and social factors on settlement patterns, human migration, cultural change, globalization, and environmental trends. Students will use geotechnologies and skills of geographic inquiry and analysis to extend their knowledge of human geography and to identify and explain current trends and patterns, and predict future ones. Prerequisite: GET3E, GET30, GEP3M, or GEA3M THE ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (GER3W) This course investigates the complexity and fragility of ecosystems and the pressures human activities place on them. Students will examine ecological processes, the principles of sustainability, and strategies for resource management, with a focus on the challenges of environmental degradation and resource depletion. Students will use geotechnologies and skills of geographic inquiry to explain and evaluate various approaches to achieving a more sustainable relationship between people and their environments. Prerequisite: Any level III English, Politics, Economics, or Geography course. GEOMATICS: GEOTECHNOLOGIES IN ACTION (GEM4U) This course gives students experience in using geotechnologies to develop solutions to real-world problems involving physical and human geography. Students will extend their knowledge of geomatics in the areas of cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), the global positioning system (GPS) and remote sensing. Students will develop critical-thinking and communication skills as they apply geotechnologies and geographic inquiry methods to devise and present ways of improving conditions for people and the environment. Prerequisite: Any level III English, Politics, Economics, or Geography course. WORLD GEOGRAPHY: URBAN PATTERNS AND INTERACTIONS (GEW4U) This course examines cities around the world and the social, political, cultural, environmental, and economic factors that shape them. Students will study urban structures and systems, the impact of migrations on cities, and the impact of cities on the environment. Students will use geotechnologies and apply geographic concepts as well as inquiry methods to analyse issues and problems related to urban development and to formulate potential solutions. Prerequisite: Any level III English, Politics, Economics, or Geography course. THE ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (GER4W) This course examines the influence of human activities on the natural environment. Students will study ecosystem structures and processes, the ecological impact of human activities, and methods of responsible resource management. Students will apply geotechnologies and geographic inquiry methods to develop and present practical solutions to environmental and resource management issues. In the process, students’ problem-solving and communication skills will be enhanced in preparation for careers and the workplace. Prerequisite: GEO1A or GEO1P 23