Curriculum Choices 9-12 | Page 24

CURRICULUM GUIDE 2014 GEOGRAPHY ACADEMIC CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY I (GEO1A) This course explores Canada’s distinct and changing character and the geographic systems and relationships that shape it. Students will investigate the interactions of natural and human systems within Canada, as well as Canada’s economic, cultural, and environmental connections to other countries. Students will use a variety of geotechnologies as well as inquiry and communication methods to analyze and evaluate geographic issues and present their findings. APPLIED CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY I (GEO1P) This course focuses on geographic issues that affect Canadians today. Students will draw on personal and everyday experiences as they learn about Canada’s distinct and changing character as well as the natural and human systems and global influences that shape the country. Students will use a variety of geotechnologies, as well as inquiry and communication methods to examine practical geographic questions and communicate their findings. THE AMERICAS: GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS AND ISSUES (GEA3M) This course investigates the geographic system and patterns of the Americas, focusing on questions arising from the growing interdependence of the countries in the region. Students will examine diverse en