March 2016
> continued from page 24
at 954-957-7733, and find out about joining us for
our monthly Guys and Dolls Golf Tournament.
Winners on this past Valentines Day tournament
are: 1st place gross, George & Karen Bajcar and Luke
& Marie Noel, 2nd place gross, Phil & Elaine DiGennaro and Vincent and Martha Santomassimo, 1st
place net, Janice & Michael Cohen and Teresa &
Michael Cherup, 2nd place net Derek & Elaine Rearden, and Kathy Hartmann and Bob Siegel. Closest to
the Pin, Men & Women, Elaine DiGennaro & Derek
Rearden, Closest to the Line Men & Women, Elaine
DiGennaro and Derek Rearden.
Palm Aire Ladies Golf Association
By: Kathy Hartmann
Mother Nature certainly threw the “Book” at us
in beautiful South Florida this January. Short of
snow, we had wind, rain, cold and more wind, rain
and cold. Never fear - the ladies of PALGA managed
to get out and best the course in spite of the
For our first tournament of the year a 2-Lady Best
Ball Event, the weather threatened, but that didn't
deter the winners, Elaine Rearden and Millie Marquez. Their combined effort was a low net score of
58. The low gross winners Kathy Hartmann and
Chisa Kao scored a 91. Well played ladies. Of
course the sun came out eventually and it became a
beautiful golf day.
The 9-Hole scramblers scored 39. What a team! Judy Cohen, Shelly Davis and Barbara Holmes.
Notable shots and extra kudos to Elaine Rearden for
a Birdie and a chip-in par. Kathy Hartmann also had
a chip-in par and Harriet Dennis won the Closest to
the Pin.
On the second Tuesday of the month, Mother
Nature won and we were rained out. This gave the
new Board an opportunity to meet early to plan our
events for the year.
The Member/ Member, Member/Guest will be
February 9th with a Valentine's Day Theme.
The 2 day Club Championship will be held March
8th and March 15th (March 22 a rain date).
The Spring Luncheon and good bye 'Snowbirds'
will be held Mar 29th.
continued on page 27 >
Martin Zevin, head of the firm, has
been practicing Personal Injury, Wills,
Trusts & Estates in Broward & Palm
Beach Counties since 1973.
We offer free consultation for all personal injury cases, including car accidents, slip & fall, pedestrains, bicyclists, etc.
We also offer free consultation for
Wills, Living Trusts & Probate.
Included in Free Consultation for
Wills, Trusts and Estates:
1. What are the differences between a Will & a
Revocable Living Trust?
2. What is Probate, how long does it take & what
are the costs & attorney’s fees?
3. Why is it important for every adult to have a
Durable Power of Attorney, Designation of
Health Care Surrogate & Living Will?
4. Review of your current legal documents.
Included in Free Consultation for
Personal Injury:
How much is your case worth?
How long will it take to settle or go to court?
How much