March 2016
Same location for 19 years • “S. FL’s finest & friendliest PGA/LPGA Instruction right in your back yard”.
The Heart of the Day
By: Kathy Zanoff
For the forth time this season
the PAMGA (Palm-Aire Men's Golf
Assoc.) Guys and Dolls Golf Tournament went off without a hitch
and the weather even gave the
golfers a “go a-head “ nod!
It was Valentines Day and the
weather gave the couples, which
played in the Guys and Dolls, the
Red Light to have fun and enjoy
themselves. Couples headed out
to the course and the sun, something we had not seen for a
while, welcomed them. What a
great day for couples and what a
fun way to celebrate Valentines
Day. Congratulations to all the
winners at PAMGA Guys and
Dolls and sending out an invitation to all couples to join PAMGA
on March 14th for Guys and Dolls
St Patrick's Day Tournament. Not
a member? call Phil Di Gennaro
continued on page 25 >