Currents: Hosting in Hamburg & Hygge Year 2023/2024 Volume 39 Issue 4 | Page 15

2023 : THE YEAR OF WOMEN Landesfrauenrat honors Dr . Kathrin Baumstark with the Hammonia

Translation by Joana M . -O . and Carol Harbers
This year the Hammonia was awarded to Kathrin Baumstark , director of the Bucerius Kunstforum , for her exceptional commitment to greater visibility for women in the arts . Gender inequality in the art world is big . The gender pay gap in the visual arts is above average at thirty percent — and the gender show gap , i . e ., the lack of representation for female artists in exhibitions , is still wide open ( as we learned at the Guerrilla Girl this summer .)
In response to the constant underrepresentation of women in exhibitions , the director of the Bucerius Kunstforum proclaimed 2023 the “ Year of Women .” Three major exhibitions were realized to underline the theme . First , two important female artists were shown : Gabriele Münter and Lee Miller . Second , the current exhibition , Ingenious
Women , vividly illustrates how women ’ s conditions have made it essentially impossible for artistic creation and recognition . An AWCH tour is planned in January for this latest exhibition .
Under the direction of Dr . Baumstark , the Bucerius Kunstforum is learning to respect the new gender-sensitive orientation expected for today ’ s cultural institutions and exhibitions . In her words ,” For centuries , women have been fighting for equality in the art world , whether in museums or in artistic work itself . Even though the fight against this inequality is bearing fruit , it is very important to me to dismantle patriarchal structures and continue to promote visibility . After our theme year , which we have dedicated to great women artists , I am particularly pleased to receive this award . It encourages me and my team to continue to make our contribution to the representation of women artists .” She laughingly admitted that this was the first award she had ever won .
In her laudatory speech , Hamburg ’ s deputy mayor , Katharina Fegebank , made it clear : “ The Hammonia makes visible the achievements of women in Hamburg . This year ’ s award winner , Dr . Kathrin Baumstark , is an outstanding example of this . Her work awakens the potential of art to sharpen our view of the role of women . It shows us what we need to do to bring gender equality to art and culture . I congratulate the prizewinner and thank the LFR for its passionate commitment to women ’ s rights and gender equality .”
Representing the LFR board , Dr . Christina Maria Huber remarked , “ We need clever , courageous , and articulate women to assert themselves in male-dominated industries . But we also need these women to open doors for others . Kathrin Baumstark is just such a woman . The LFR is delighted to be able to award the Hammonia to such a worthy prizewinner who makes such a valuable contribution to the visibility of women in the arts .”
Congratulations to such a deserving recipient of the Hammonia 2023 !