CURRENTS February 2018 | Page 13

Currents February 2018 > continued from page 12 purposes.   If you are living together but not married, it is par- ticularly important that you have the basic legal doc- uments in Florida to protect you if either or both of you become incapacitated.  This includes the Desig- nation of Health Care Surrogate for making medical decisions, the Living Will or pulling the plug docu- ment and the Durable Power of Attorney for legal and financial matters.    If you jointly own your home and/or other real estate, it is important to look at the benefits of a Revocable Living Trust or a Life Estate Deed to avoid probate when you both die.   Even if you are married, it is important to have these legal documents.    If you were living together and got married after doing those documents, it is important to review them now for any changes due to your new legal status.   If you are considering getting married, regardless of sexual orientation, you should review with an attorney the legal benefits and disadvantages of doing so.    Ultimately, a decision to marry should be based on love and compatibility; however, it is cer- tainly important to also be aware of the legal and financial issues. Please feel free to call me for a free personal or phone consul- tation regarding any issues per- taining to Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning and Probate.  Call me at 954-569-4878.    My address is 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida.  My website is www.mart- and my e-mail address is [email protected].   We Support Our Troops 13