Current Pedorthics | May-June 2015 | Vol. 47, Issue 2 | Page 9

golfer. Many athletic endeavors revolve around teams, and that can easily turn from one patient to multiple patients for you once the Athletic Trainer sees results. Though we think of ourselves as healthcare practitioners, in America healthcare is a business, big business. US healthcare expenditures in 2014 according to Bloomberg Business News were around $3 trillion. Changing from a business model where the majority of revenue is coming from an insurance company (usually paying a percentage of your billed amount) to “self pays” is also good for business. It decreases the amount of paperwork involved, and decreases the need for chasing down the correct person in Accounts Payable at “ACME Insurance Co.” to figure out when that check will be coming. Thanks to the ACA (Obamacare), many insurance companies do not even cover foot orthoses anymore, so athletic care is mostly cash on delivery. Change, whether it is forced upon us or made to our own time frame can be a good thing. If we take the time to think about making a change, we increase our chances of improving the outcome. Enjoy the changes of Current Pedorthics magazine, and embrace the idea of serving the people taking part in sports. It is a win for you, for your patients, and pedorthics. May all your changes be good ones. Rob Sobel PFA President Current Pedorthics May/June 2015 7