Current Pedorthics | May-June 2015 | Vol. 47, Issue 2 | Page 8

F R O M T H E PRESIDENT Rob Sobel, C. Ped., PFA President [email protected] ABOUT PFA The Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA), founded in 1958, is the not-forprofit professional association which represents the interests of the certified and/or licensed pedorthist and supports the pedorthic profession at large. Through PFA’s efforts, pedorthics – the management and treatment of conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower extremities requiring fitting, fabricating, and adjusting of pedorthic Change is a difficult thing for most of us. We find comfort in our routines and as the stresses of the economy and our schedules (both personal and professional) increase, we have a greater tendency to resist change even more. Sometimes that change is inescapable, and although no one wants something forced upon them, the end result can be positive. Current Pedorthics magazine is an example of that. For years I fought the idea of an online version of the magazine, but when our financial situation forced us to go digital, I quickly realized that it is probably something we should have done years ago. The team that puts the magazine together is doing an amazing job, and the convenience of having Current Pedorthics at my fingertips from any computer or tablet is actually more convenient. The articles are just as easy to read digitally as they were in print, and the ads seem to have more “pop”. Change in what we do and how we do it may be difficult for us to embrace, but necessary if we are to continue to learn and grow. devices – is a well-established allied This is our Sport issue of Current Pedorthics magazine, and if you are not treating athletes in your store or office you should consider it. According to the SFIA (Sports & Fitness Industry Association), in 2009 sports equipment was a $66 billion industry. Now this is not to suggest that you all run out and open a sporting goods store or replace your comfort footwear with running shoes. What it does suggest is there is a place for you as a pedorthist to take care of this segment of the population, and you will find that working with athletes is a good change. First, there is no chasing physicians for certifying letters and chart notes. No RAC auditors to deal with. We all have those patients (usually diabetics) whose illness has led to their limiting their life, and who are noncompliant with treatment from a multitude of their healthcare providers. With the athlete, compliance is not an issue, because they are coming to you to enhance their performance and or help them heal; they want to be better. promote the right to practice through Athletes are also good for business, whether it is the high school basketball player, the forty-year-old playing in a softball league, or the seventy-year-old 6 Pedorthic Footcare Association health profession which makes an invaluable contribution to public health. MISSION PFA’s mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of credentialed providers of lower extremity pedorthic modalities through education; increase the demand for services through marketing; and government affairs activities. Pedorthic Footcare Association 1610 East Forsyth St. Suite D Americus, GA 31709 phone (229) 389-3440 fax (888) 563-0945 email [email protected] website facebook Pedorthic Footcare Association twitter @pfapedorthics linkedIn Pedorthic Footcare Association o & p social Pedorthic Footcare Association