Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 56

heel height

table 6
Comparison of outcome measures ( means ± SD ) in functional mobility test andperceived stability for four HH in inexperienced and experienced groups .
Inexperienced HHS wearers ( N = 21 )
Experienced HHS wearers ( N = 20 )
0.8 cm
3.9 cm
7 cm
10.1 cm
0.8 cm
3.9 cm
7 cm
FRT ( cm ) 33.71 ± 4.50
32.01 ± 4.86
30.48 ± 4.39
23.81 ± 3.85
36.43 ± 4.79
36.29 ± 5.25 *
34.54 ± 4.87 *
TUGT ( s ) 6.59 ± 1.27
7.24 ± 1.06
7.64 ± 1.38
68.62 ± 9.74
5.97 ± 0.74
6.24 ± 0.72 *
6.53 ± 0.82 *
aVAS ( 0-100 ) 74.71 ± 32.31
71.00 ± 23.63
58.48 ± 19.10
34.43 ± 24.05
80.40 ± 30.76
90.35 ± 8.16 *
77.75 ± 13.44 *
Notes .
FRT : functional research test TUGT : time up and go test VAS : visual analog scale
Inexperienced vs . experienced HHS wearers , p < 0.05 .
perturbations , HHS wearers exhibited decreased equilibrium and strategy scores in 10.1 cm HHS , compared with flat shoes and 3.9 and seven cm HHS . Vision played a vital role in the integration of the sensory systems in the postural control process with elevated HH . With respect to the control of the COG movement , the COG movement velocity and directional control declined in 10.1 cm HHS compared with flat shoes and 3.9 cm HHS . During external support surface perturbations , the postural latencies tended to delay with elevated HH . Amplitude scaling increased when HH increased to 3.9 cm compared with flat shoes . Similarly , impaired functional mobility can be detected in 3.9 cm HHS contrary to flat shoes . However , experienced HHS wearers did not show significant higher composite equilibrium scores than novices as the authors hypothesized . No difference in the somatosensory function and postural responses under external perturbations was found between the two groups . Experienced wearers utilized higher proportion of ankle strategy and COG directional control in maintaining postural stability . They perceived higher stability and performed better functional mobility than inexperienced HHS wearers .
In SOT , decreased equilibrium and strategy scores were found in 10.1 cm HHS , compared
54 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org