Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 55

in LOS for four HHS in inexperiencedand experienced groups .
Experienced HHS wearers ( N = 20 )
10.1 cm
0.8 cm
3.9 cm
7 cm
10.1 cm
p values
Between groups
Two-way interaction
3.58 ± 1.16 85.85 ± 6.33 5.30 ± 1.60 5.20 ± 1.51 4.84 ± 1.45 < 0.001 0.155 0.659
68.62 ± 9.74 84.45 ± 3.98 84.95 ± 3.20 80.20 ± 5.65 77.45 ± 6.53 * < 0.001 0.029 < 0.001
experienced wearers . TUGT time showed a significant difference when wearing different HHS in experienced and inexperienced wearers . Experienced wearers performed longer FRT distance than inexperienced wearers in 3.9 cm ( t = − 2.714 , p = 0.010 ), seven cm ( t = − 2.805 , p = 0.003 ) and 10.1 cm HHS ( t = −4.524 , p < 0.001 ). Similarly , TUGT time in experienced wearers was significantly shorter than inexperienced HHS wearers in 3.9 cm ( t = 3.528 , p = 0.010 ), 7 cm ( t = 3.117 , p = 0.003 ), and 10.1 cm HHS ( t = 3.698 , p = 0.001 ).
Perceived stability
The main effect of HH ( F ( 3 , 38 ) = 26.911 , p < 0.001 , η2 = 0.415 ) and wearing experience ( F ( 1 , 40 ) = 11.517 , p = 0.001 , η2 = 0.027 ) was significant for perceived stability . No significant two-way interaction was detected on perceived stability . The perceived stability was decreased with increased HH . Specificity , the perceived stability reduced significantly in 7 cm HHS relative to flat shoes ( p = 0.001 , 95 % CI [ 5.530 – 26.049 ]) and 3.9 cm HHS ( p = 0.029 , 95 % CI [ 0.940 – 23.060 ]) among experienced wearers . The inexperienced wearers also perceived significantly decreased stability with increased HH similar to the experienced wearers ( Table 6 ). The experienced wearers perceived significantly higher stability than inexperienced wearers in 3.9 cm ( t = − 3.538 , p = 0.002 ), seven cm ( t = − 3.719 , p = 0.001 ), and 10.1 cm HHS ( t = − 2.656 , p = 0.011 ).
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of HH and HHS wearing experience on human postural stability under dynamic perturbations . During self-initiated standing
Current Pedorthics | January-February 2022 53