Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 52

heel height

table 4
Comparison of outcome measures ( means ± SD ) in MCT for four HHS in inexperienced and experienced gro
Inexperienced HHS wearers ( N = 21 )
Experienced HHS wearers ( N = 20 )
0.8 cm
3.9 cm
7 cm
10.1 cm
0.8 cm
3.9 cm
7 cm
Latency COMP ( milliseconds )
128.39 ± 8.27
128.39 ± 7.82
126.50 ± 5.29
126.39 ± 4.98
131.90 ± 11.14
134.25 ± 15.11
129.20 ± 9.02
Amplitude scaling
1.72 ± 1.02
2.28 ± 1.49
2.44 ± 1.46
2.83 ± 1.15
1.80 ± 1.47
1.75 ± 1.12
2.35 ± 1.63
4.06 ± 2.24
4.61 ± 2.89
5.06 ± 2.36
4.61 ± 1.88
3.20 ± 1.94
4.10 ± 2.29
4.40 ± 2.09
6.33 ± 2.95
6.78 ± 3.34
6.67 ± 3.12
6.78 ± 2.44
4.90 ± 2.77
5.65 ± 3.00
5.65 ± 2.41
2.28 ± 1.71
2.78 ± 1.52
3.28 ± 1.74
3.89 ± 1.32
2.05 ± 1.15
1.90 ± 1.02
2.25 ± 1.41
4.39 ± 1.97
5.44 ± 1.85
5.78 ± 1.80
6.94 ± 1.86
3.70 ± 1.81
4.90 ± 2.29
5.15 ± 2.41
6.83 ± 2.33
7.44 ± 2.59
7.78 ± 0.56
8.44 ± 2.18
5.65 ± 2.76
7.10 ± 2.69
8.15 ± 3.10
Notes .
COMP : composite score B : backward F : forward S : small M : medium L : large
Inexperienced vs . experienced HHS wearers , p < 0.05 .
Results Demographic characteristics of the participants
Table 2 illustrates the characteristics of the participants . No significant differences were observed in age , height , weight , body mass index ( BMI ), foot length 10 % weightbearing , foot length 90 % weightbearing and AHF between the two groups . The experienced group showed significantly higher HHS wearing frequency than the inexperienced group ( p < 0.001 ).
The descriptive data of SOT are shown in Table 3 . No statistically significant interaction was found between the HH and HHS wearing experience on the outcome measures of SOT ( Table 3 ). The main effect of HH was significant for the equilibrium score in C1 ( F ( 3 ,
50 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org