Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 49

table 2
Demographic data of the participants .
Inexperienced HHS wearers ( N = 21 )
Experienced HHS wearers ( N = 20 )
Age ( years ) 25.05 ± 1.63 23.05 ± 2.24 Height ( cm ) 1.63 ± 0.05 1.63 ± 0.05 Weight ( Kg ) 57.51 ± 7.87 56.33 ± 6.94 BMI ( Kg / m 2 ) 21.62 ± 2.35 21.09 ± 2.62
Foot length 10 % weightbearing ( mm )
Foot length 90 % weightbearing ( mm )
231.43 ± 8.50 231.25 ± 9.50
234.95 ± 8.27 235.15 ± 10.25
AHF ( mm / kN ) 0.90 ± 0.05 0.70 ± 0.04
HHS wearing frequency ( hours / week )
2.19 ± 4.61 28.33 ± 10.13 *
Notes .
BMI : Body Mass Index AHF : Arch Height Flexibility
* inexperienced vs . experienced HHS wearers , p < 0.05 .
intentionally displace their COG within the BOS . In LOS , a computerized screen was placed in front of the participants . They were instructed to lean their body on the sagittal plane in each direction to reach to the target location displayed on the screen as quick as possible upon hearing an auditory cue . Then , participants were required to remain in that position for 10 s . The outcome measures were COG movement velocity and directional control ( DCL ). COG movement velocity in degree per second (°/ s ) represents the average COG movement speed from the initial place to the target position . Directional control was calculated as the amount of the COG movement toward the intended direction minus the amount of off-axis movement ( Yin & Wang , 2020 ).
Functional mobility test
After postural control tests , functional reach test ( FRT ) and timed up and go test ( TUGT ) were performed to measure functional mobility . FRT measures the maximum forward reach of the participants . Participants were instructed to lean their body forward as far
Current Pedorthics | January-February 2022 47