Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 48

heel height

which are small backward translation ( SBT ), medium backward translation ( MBT ), large backward translation ( LBT ), small forward translation ( SFT ), medium forward translation ( MFT ), and large forward translation ( LFT ). Each testing condition was repeated three times . The six testing conditions were assigned in random order . The displacement of the support surface is scaled to the participant ’ s height during each translation . The outcome measures were composite latency and amplitude scaling . Composite latency measures the reaction time from the initiation of translation of the platform to the displacement of COG in milliseconds . Amplitude scaling is measured for right leg in units of angular momentum and normalized to body height and weight , which quantifies the force generated from the lower limb in response to the external perturbations ( Vanicek et al ., 2013 ).
Limits of stability test ( LOS ). LOS quantifies the ability of participants to figure 2
( A ) Experimental setup and ( B ) the illustration of support surface translation in MCT .
46 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org