Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 29

The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women
lumbar lordosis was explained by the high variability in pelvic incidence in the study sample .
We assume that vertical trunk inclination in the sagittal plane may express the same condition of the vertebral column in surface topography as SVA in lateral view radiography . However , the actual relation between these parameters has not been investigated .
4.1 . The Biomechanical Aspect of Results / Observations
Biomechanical phenomena described in particular publications may lead to generalized and explainable impressions . Many studies on the influence of high heels on the sagittal balance focused on these parameters due to the possibility of an antero-cranial shift of the body ’ s center of gravity while standing on highheeled shoes [ 8 , 9 , 104 ] . The cranial and anterior shift of the center of gravity [ 8 , 10 , 72 , 105 ] of the body when standing in high-heeled shoes was described in the literature . Lee et al .
[ 18 ] showed a compensatory posterior tilt of the whole upper body with high heels . When standing in high-heeled shoes , the body ’ s center of gravity is being shifted cranially and anteriorly [ 18 , 104 ] . Weitkunat et al . [ 8 ] observed that wearing high heels led to increased flexion of the knees and more ankle flexion or to increased cervical lordosis to compensate for the antero-cranial shift of the body ’ s center of gravity . Increased lumbar lordosis and changing body position to an uneconomic [ 9 ] or permanent malposition of the spine and the legs [ 10 ] was described due to

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Current Pedorthics | January-February 2022 27