Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 21

The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women
depth component . Then , the recovered center was projected back onto the cloud , obtaining the final ( x , y , z ) marker position .
2.8 . Postural Parameters Extraction
The markers LVD and RVD located at the left and right fossae lumbales laterales (“ dimples of Venus ”) were used to establish the base of the frontal plane measurement . Both the superficial topography indentations correspond to the upper parts of the sacroiliac joints . The transformation was found for each measurement independently by rotating the measurement space around the calibrated plumb line in such a way , that the Venus dimples were found in the frontal plane . Then , we used the markers located at vertebra prominens ( C7 ), the point of transition from thoracic kyphosis ( ThK ) to lumbar lordosis ( LL ) ( ThK-LL ) and top of the intergluteal furrow ( IF ) to calculate the parameters for monitoring posture change . The postural parameters included :
Current Pedorthics | January-February 2022 19