Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 20

Figure 4
The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women

Figure 4

uCalculation principle of parameters : ( a ) Cobb angles , ( b ) pelvis inclination , ( c ) vertical balance angle , ( d ) components of SHS . Green areas denote approximate parts of point cloud used for calculation . THKA : thoracic kyphosis angle , LLA : lumbar lordosis angle , PIA : pelvic inclination angle , VBA : vertical balance angle ( vertical trunk inclination in the sagittal plane .
Some of the markers were not retrieved correctly using the automated method . Because the markers were partly reflective , the depth component within the area of the markers was noisier than in the rest of the measurement . The above was fixed by a dedicated semi-automatic algorithm , which used an initial marker position on the cloud pointed by the operator , segmented the surrounding area using a min-max ratio threshold , and calculated the center of the marker by fitting a 2D circle , disregarding the
18 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org