Cumbria ACF - Force Protection Newsletter December 2012 | Page 2

-Don ’ t Gamble with Ammo-
-Emergency Contact from a Mobile Phone-
-Frost Precautions-
With immediate effect , the provision of a duty officer for the out of hours notification of routine accidents , incidents and near misses to AINC will cease . Routine accidents , incidents and near misses should be forwarded to AINC on the next working day . Further notification can be made via the AINC Smart No on : Civ : 030 6770 3661 or Mil : 9 6770 3661
The number will be monitored by AINC for recorded messages . The messages will be checked each working day .
Accidents of a serious nature , including fatalities should continue to be reported in the first instance to the LAIT Team on : Civ : 01264 38 2206 or Mil : 9 4391 2206

-Don ’ t Gamble with Ammo-

-Emergency Contact from a Mobile Phone-

When working in a remote location , 112 can be dialed free of charge from a mobile phone to contact the emergency services ( Ambulances , Fire & Rescue Services and Police ).
Even if you don ’ t know where you are , using 112 on your mobile phone will allow the system to pinpoint your exact location within the first 30 seconds of your call to the operator . This will enable the operator to get emergency services to you as soon as possible .
Launched in September 2012 , “ Don ’ t Gamble with ammo ”, is a British Army training film aimed at highlighting the consequences of the improper disposal of ammo , pyrotechnics and salvage in military rubbish following training exercises and cadet training weekends .
The film has been created by CESO ( A ) to influence our behavior . It supports other recent initiatives aimed at ensuring that ammo , Pyro and salvage ( brass ) is prevented from entering the civilian waste stream .
The Chain of Command is behind the initiative to ensure that we all see this film at the appropriate times – and therefore help to ensure that the film reaches and achieves its objective of making us think , make good choices and take personal responsibility for our actions .
ACF Commanders at all levels are asked to show this film at the earliest opportunity to all personnel . The film is in disc format being sent out to your units with the latest edition of the Army Safety Magazine edition 46 along with the latest safety poster for display in your detachments .

-Frost Precautions-

November through to the end of March are the most likely months when Frost and Ice can cause damage and Injury to not only buildings & equipment but unwary CFAVs & Cadets .
All detachment commanders are reminded to start switching on heaters ( one per room on low ) throughout the winter months to help prevent pipes and water tanks from freezing and bursting and thus causing hundreds of pounds worth of damage to your unit .
Snow and Ice should be cleared from pathways where possible so that personnel and the general public are able to gain safe access and egress without having an accident !

“ Health & Safety is Everybody ’ s Responsibility ”