Cuenca Expats Magazine Issue 2 | Page 18

living spaces Bath tub wiht fireplace Kitchen Rooftop Chapel Parlor Hall and wine nook it as a tribute to the original owner of the water tank. home, the Archbishop. The restoration features a level of craftsmanship that comes at a premium in the United States. The home is filled with beautiful hand-made wooden buffets and tables, constructed to detailed specifications from photographs supplied by Dorie depicting exactly what she had in mind. One thing Dorie learned the hard way, was to make sure she was very specific about what she wanted when At 13,500 sq. ft., the house features three fountains, four luxury suites, two of them with spa baths with their own steam generators, nine fireplaces, 40 pottery sconces, over 1100 panes of glass, and a rooftop terrace with a view of Cuenca’s beautiful domed cathedral. Not only did they aesthetically restore this beautiful residence, but they brought it into the 21st century with a state of the art hacienda style kitchen, all new plumbing and water purification and heating systems, including a very large page 18 | cuenca expats magazine showing someone a photograph. She once showed a photograph of counter and cabinets for the small kitchen area, and not realizing that she had taken the photo at an angle, they duplicated it exactly, angles and all. In addition to beautiful woodwork, she found a local craftsman who created over 21 chandeliers, door handles, and other metal fixtures in the home. The original idea of a boutique Bed & Wine hotel fell through when their children decided not to move to Ecuador and help them with the running of the business. They have held several special events in the home, and are currently looking for a buyer for the property. If you are interested in purchasing the home, you can contact Bob and Dorie through their website www.casamonsenor.weebly. com.