La realización del proyecto ha conllevado a mejorar los resultados en las pruebas saber 11 ya que los estudiantes al enfrentarse a estas pruebas escritas tienen más dominio de vocabulario , estructuras gramaticales y comprensión de textos . Con base en los anteriores argumentos se pretende que los estudiantes se proyecten a un mundo real y comunicativo , superando las barreras que se anteponen en el aprendizaje ya que el idioma inglés es universal .
The English teachers Esp Gemma Taticúan , Esp Graciela Prado , Esp Janeth Paredes , Mg Julio Rosero and Esp Carlos Perez in the year 2015 announce the proposal to carry out the first internal festival of the song in English in the Genaro Leon Educational Institution ; with the aim of learning a second language or language in a creative , playful and practical way integrating the educational community from the level of transition , primary and secondary we realize that for our students it is not an easy task to master the English language and because of this students feel anxiety and fear when expressing themselves orally . Our project based on the interpretation of songs helps students to lower their stress and anxiety since music stimulates and produces various sensations , feelings and emotions in human beings , therefore , the rhythm , melody and words of a song are good conditions to create a good learning environment for students and teachers . It is also necessary to take into account that with the execution of the project the students develop some fundamental objectives such as : - Confronting theory with practice . - Motivate students to learn the foreign language . - To practice the four skills in an integrated way . - Improve students ' pronunciation and intonation . - To increase students ' vocabulary knowledge . - Practice and review grammatical structures according to the song . - Identify some cultural facts of English speakers .
Thanks to the implementation of the project year after year in the cultural week that the institution carries out the students actively participate in the FESTIVAL OF THE SONG IN ENGLISH demonstrating their skills and talents from the youngest students to the oldest students , also the institution through the project has participated in events outside the municipality obtaining very good results . The realization of the project has led to improve the results in the tests to know 11 since the students when facing these written tests have more command of vocabulary , grammatical structures and text comprehension . Based on the above arguments , it is intended that students are projected to a real and communicative world , overcoming the barriers that stand in the way of learning since the English language is universal .