CTED Seminars & Continuing Education Fall 2019 | Page 31
Purchase individual sessions or attend
164 F
all sessions for only $550!
Time Management - Tips, Techniques and Tools
to keep you on Task and on Schedule Managing Conflict & Taking Control of Stress
This session will cover: You will Learn to:
70% of people are busy or very busy. 90% of people wish they
had more time to spend with friends, family and people they care
about. More and more leaders are working more hours and not
accomplishing their own work or goals. Stop the insanity as you
realize you can get your life back!
Identify what you are supposed to be doing daily while you
work on “WIN” activities “what’s important now” and evaluate
your time management ability.
Have clear expectations of how to plan and coordinate
daily, weekly and longer term activities to meet the
organization’s deliverables complete your own work
requirements and get you home on time!
October 15, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Are stress or conflict ruining your life? You work hard. You work
long hours and your list of things to get done just keeps getting
longer and longer. You go home tired and you wake up tired.
You’re beginning to forget simple things – like lunch and dinner or
your spouse’s birthday. Then there’s the crushing cloud of gloom
that you can’t stay out from under.
Discuss real life examples of the emotional and physical weight
of stress on you, your co-workers, your team or your family.
Using a reflection tool, identify where “current” life is out of
whack and what to focus on to get it back in line.
Use Tips, tools and techniques to help combat stress, feelings
of inadequacy or negativity and how to deal with others who
are negative in your life.
November 5, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Assertiveness in the Workplace
Holding Yourself and Others Accountable
Feel like a baby sitter at work? Frustrated that team or individual
deadlines get missed? Tips, techniques and tools
for creating a commitment and accountability culture.
In this seminar you will learn how to:
Do you sometimes come across too strong or too bold and direct?
Would you like to learn how sound more confident but not pushy?
Would your like your message to be non-confrontational so
everybody’s needs and wants are heard and understood?
Strengthen Accountability - Participants learn how to talk
about violated expectations in a way that yields two-way
accountability and allows further progress to be made. This Seminar will train you to:
Resolve conflict by knowing what matters to yourself and
others, and using that knowledge to quickly and effectively
address any situation. Identify Your Assertiveness Style preferences and assess
the strengths and weaknesses of your current
communication style.
October 22, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Demonstrate a Positive Attitude
Are there people you dread being around because their negativity
just brings you down? Learn the benefits and
how to deal with negative people and a negative culture in
the workplace.
In this seminar you will learn to:
Understand that each of us is responsible for the
attitude we bring to work and realize that our attitude,
either positive or negative impacts others.
See the value of a more positive outlook company culture
on your work, your co-workers, your happiness, success and
in all aspects of your life.
October 29, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Define assertiveness and Identify the characteristics of the
Four Common Communication Styles
Explore the assertive components of becoming comfortable
in your own S.K.I.N. (Support self-esteem; Know self; Initiate
dialogue; Negate negative self-talk)
November 12, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Emotional Intelligence
Tired of knee-jerk reactions and smart people acting “dumb”
because of overemotional or irrational reactions to when things
happen? Notice the word “jerk” is in there for a reason!
Learn about the “biological” basis for EQ and the essentials
of the four core-skills to master your own EQ.
Understand the business and professional reasons why
EQ should matter to you and why it is a skill you need to
master in life and at work.
Course materials are
provided unless indicated.
Light Dinner
November 19, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $119
To register or for more information about any of these
classes, go to https://corporatetraining.nwtc.edu or
call 920-498-6301.