CTED Seminars & Continuing Education Fall 2019 | Page 28

Internal Succession Planning   MS EXCEL At this workshop, we will take you through the process of reviewing your staff and assessing their risk of leaving your organization. We will talk about what impact that may have to your business. We help identify high risk positions and create mitigation plans that include documentation of current processes and training needed to prepare your staff for the next level. You will walk away with a plan. September 3, 2019    8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  MS Excel - Intro This one-day seminar will teach basic spreadsheet techniques using Microsoft Excel for Windows on a computer. A hands- on approach will teach you the basic features of the program which include creating and printing worksheets, creating formulas, copying and moving cells, and manipulating rows, columns, and charts.   $79 The Art of Influencing Others Lay the foundation for more effective communication in this highly interactive workshop. Through a series of structured experiences, develop and learn to apply skills that improve your effectiveness when marketing your services in any communication skill. September 4, 2019    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  TWO DATES TO CHOOSE FROM! September 11 OR October 3, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.    $169   $119 MS Excel - Intermediate Stepping up to Supervision This two session, eight hour seminar contains units that cover intermediate Excel skills. You will learn how to work with more advanced formulas and functions, automate worksheet tasks, manipulate data using lists, enhance charts, share Excel files, and incorporate Web information. Stepping up to Supervision is focused toward those new to their leadership role and who may be struggling with the work and social changes brought about by their promotion. This learning opportunity helps new leaders transition from doing the work to leading the work. Participants will develop a transition plan with short-term and long-term goals to help them succeed as leaders. September 10, 2019    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  NEW FORMAT - TWO 4 HOUR SESSIONS! November 5 & 19, 2019   $119 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Developing a Coaching and Feedback Culture Employees at every level of an organization want to do the best job possible, a goal that can’t be fully achieved without input from those in charge. Providing the right type of feedback, within the context of job expectations and responsibilities, not only dramatically improves an individual’s work performance, but helps build trusting relationships and a willingness to excel—crucial elements in job satisfaction and enduring employee retention. Millennial employees, for example, “thrive on feedback,” particular when it’s offered frequently and in a proactive, constructive way. In this hands on workshop, leaders at all levels in the organization will learn how to give the kind of feedback that boosts retention, increases productivity and helps employees stay engaged in their work. September 17, 2019    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.    $169 MS Excel - Advanced This two session, eight hour seminar contains units that cover advanced Excel skills. You will learn how to work in Excel using what-if analysis and pivot tables. You will also learn how to exchange data with other programs, advanced worksheet management and ways to customize Excel. These advanced skills will assist individuals in creating accurate and powerful reports. Participants learn using hands-on raining in the computer lab environment. NEW FORMAT - TWO 4 HOUR SESSIONS! December 3 & 12, 2019 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.    $119   $169 Train the Trainer: Facilitation Skills & Strategies This course is designed for those that have been tasked with leading training sessions as part of their role but have not been formally trained in facilitation. In this session we will talk about how adults learn, the different types of learners, and how to interact with your participants. You will also practice facilitation in a safe learning environment while getting real-time feedback. Come for fresh ideas for your training and get inspired by your peers. September 17, 2019    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  To be a truly skilled leader, you must become aware of the needs of your staff and adapt your leadership style to nurture the most productivity in your workers. This program will assess your personal leadership style and apply and practice tools for building connections with employees, running productive meetings and enhancing employee motivation. September 19, 2019    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  28 Breakfast   $169 Adapting Your Leadership Style: The Four Behavior Styles and How to Make Them Work for You Course materials are provided unless indicated. Lunch Light Dinner Refreshments   $119 To register or for more information about any of these classes, go to https://corporatetraining.nwtc.edu or call 920-498-6301.