CT Reopens Adapt, Advance, Achieve | Page 26

22 Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together 7. Health Monitoring Plan Planning and Distribution of Information Requirements • Include in the LEA reopening plan written protocols for monitoring of symptoms that could be related to COVID-19, with the goal of decreasing the risk of spreading or contracting the virus and maintaining oversight related to the pandemic while complying with relevant privacy and health laws. Guidance • Review the most updated guidance on monitoring for COVID-19 and develop protocols consistent with the applicable recommendations. − − Attendance Monitoring Guidance As of the date of this document, CDC guidance provides that schools and childcare programs are not expected to daily screen students, students, or staff to identify cases of COVID-19. If a community (or more specifically, a school) has cases of COVID-19, local health officials will help identify those individuals and follow up on next steps. While daily screenings by school staff are not required, be prepared if, at the recommendation of state and local departments of public health, screenings are initiated based on local factors such as a confirmed case or known exposures, or if a staff member of student presents with obvious symptoms. • Actively monitor staff and student absenteeism and track the reasons for their absences to identify any trends that would suggest spread of illness such as COVID-19. − − Explore the ability to code student and staff absences with specific symptom codes within programs such as PowerSchool, fever or COVID-related symptoms are examples, compared to routine sick days. Create a communication system for staff and families for self-reporting of symptoms, and for families to notify the school of known or presumed cases consistent with applicable privacy and confidentiality laws. See Reporting Illnesses and Addressing Vulnerable Populations section describing EEOC guidance. • If, due to a containment plan, a school or region must cancel classes, be prepared to engage students and address attendance during periods of blended learning. See Academics, page 28. • In forthcoming guidance related to parents and students who choose not to participate, attendance monitoring advice will be included.