Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together
For anyone who has a medical reason making it unsafe to wear a face
covering, masks should not be required.
• Be prepared to provide a mask to any student or staff member who does not have one.
• Teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings.
• Frequently remind individuals not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands
• Provide staff, students, and students’ families information on proper use, removal, and
washing of cloth face coverings.
• Set clear guidelines regarding limited exceptions to use of face coverings when other
mitigating practices are in place, such as:
For students, while eating, drinking, during PE, or when students are outside,
and effectively practicing social distancing and any other possible mitigants.
Exceptions may also be necessary for certain special education students or
other special populations.
For teachers and staff, while teaching so long as they are properly socially
distancing or remaining static behind a physical barrier as described herein,
while eating, drinking, or when outside and effectively practicing social
distancing and any other possible mitigants.
• Develop a consistent policy to address mask breaks throughout the day.
• Assess when face shields may be appropriate however, face shields alone are not a
sufficient alternative to the wearing of face masks for source control, but rather both
should be worn for additional protection. Educate staff on the fact that face shields
protect the eyes, nose, and mouth from contamination from respiratory droplets,
along with masks or respirators.
When medically appropriate, nurses should substitute use of metered dose
inhalers and spacers for students with respiratory issues.
If aerosol-generating procedures cannot be avoided, address the need for
additional protocols, including but not limited to use of face shields and
increased protective equipment by staff (such as school nurses) who are
involved in these type of procedures, such as provision of oxygen via highflow
nasal cannula, nebulizer treatments, and open suctioning.
Face shields worn with face masks may also be used by staff who support
students with special healthcare needs (who are not able to wear masks
and who may need assistance with activities of daily living, such as toileting,
• If medically required or where services provided pursuant to an Individualized
Education Program (IEP) would require it, including but not limited to for speech and
language services, evaluations, language acquisition activities, etc., students and/or
staff may wear face shields and clear masks, or remove masks when face coverings/
masks are not appropriate for the activity. Any other possible mitigating strategy
should be implemented in these cases, including but not limited to maximum social
Staff working with students who are not wearing face coverings due to one of
the exceptions and also cannot maintain social distancing should be provided
increased protective equipment, including but not limited to medical-grade
masks and disposable gowns.