Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together
12. Career and Technical Education
Connecticut’s vision is that schools provide each student access to rigorous pathways and
programs of study that result in students graduating with the essential knowledge, skills and
employability expertise to successfully meet the demands of Connecticut’s expanding economy.
Connecticut Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are part of the comprehensive
educational system and due to the nature of CTE programs and the hands-on approach that is
necessary, additional elements must be considered as schools plan for a safe reopening.
CTE programs use a hands-on approach to develop job readiness skills and trade competencies.
The core of the curriculum is experiential and students often work closely together in small
groups. Many CTE programs require students to develop physical dexterity and motor skills
through regular practice over significant periods of time. CTE instruction is maximized when it is
delivered in-person through practical experience, whether in the classroom, at production sites
or through work-based learning.
During CTE instruction, students may need to share tools, materials or equipment during the
course of a school day. Although the guidelines prohibit this type of sharing, CTE programs
may need to take unique precautions, such as providing students with gloves and other PPE,
minimizing the amount of sharing, following an accepted protocol of cleaning and sanitizing and
training both staff and students in COVID-19 related safety.
Flexibility with these guidelines is permitted for CTE activities as long as the CTE program follows
established workplace industry standards as well as public health protocols.
• Develop a plan for cleaning and disinfecting shared equipment in the shop or lab,
before and after each use. Many CTE courses assign tasks to students who assist in
cleanup at the end of class, and the students should be trained in all safety processes
and procedures. Include a properly labeled spray bottle or disinfectant wipe near
the equipment along with a small trash receptacle. Include a process for collection,
sanitation, and logging of equipment and tools.
• Apply the standards outlined above for cleaning and disinfecting high touch areas.
• Create a plan to address the public access to the building including Early Care and
Education Programs as well as cafes in Culinary Arts.
• Anticipate that student run early child programs will need to comply with all relevant
public health guidance outlining the enhanced cleaning, sanitizing, social distancing,
face covering use, and hygiene requirements for these programs.
• Determine the appropriate safety measure for the Culinary Foods labs while food
is being prepared and consumed. This may include, but is not limited to, staggered
schedules, repurposing of space, use of gloves, increased hand washing protocols,
and prioritizing “to go” options for food.
• Consider ways to minimize exposure when exchanging payment in any CTE program.
• Ensure students are actively accessing their CTE curriculum by considering the
Provide students with options for demonstrating their understanding.
Incorporate tools and materials that students can access at home.