CT Reopens Adapt, Advance, Achieve | Page 28

24 Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together 9. Cancellation of Classes, Remote Learning, and Reopening Plans Cancellation of Classes LEAs must be prepared to adjust plans based on health indicators and guidance from health officials. Partial reopen plans must prioritize vulnerable populations, including but not limited to special education, those with barriers to remote learning, English Learners, and students in transition years. LOW • Schools operating up to 100% capacity, students/staff with underlying medical conditions should consider restrictions and blended/remote learning • Buses up to full capacity with bus monitors recommended, facial coverings in place during transit, controlled loading/unloading of riders • Face coverings for students and staff while inside school buildings • Identification/isolation of sick students/staff • Cohorting of students encouraged, particularly in younger grades, restrictions on congregating • Maximize spacing of seating up to six feet when feasible • Increased cleaning and sanitization protocols DPH will be developing specific community and school-based indicators to assist leaders and define the appropriate decision-making approach. MODERATE • Schools operating at reduced capacity, with more reliance on hybrid model, blended/remote learning, prioritize access to school building for students who need the more learning support, including but not limited to those receiving special education, ELs or limited access due to devices or connectivity issues • Buses at reduced capacity with bus monitors strongly recommended, facial coverings in place during transit, controlled loading/unloading of riders, spaced seating between unrelated riders • Face coverings for students and staff while inside school buildings • Maximize spacing of seating up to six feet or more when feasible with reduced class sizes • Identification/isolation of sick students/staff • Cohorting of students, restrictions on congregating, staggered start/stop times and hallway transit • Indoor extracurricular activities should be suspended, sports and other outdoor activities should consider restrictions on activities • Increased cleaning and sanitization protocols DPH will be developing specific community and school-based indicators to assist leaders and define the appropriate decision-making approach. HIGH • Schools closed, 100% remote learning, bus transportation suspended, extracurricular activities, including sports, should be suspended