CT Magazine issue 5 - SS13 | Page 15

MODEL Dolly Divine www . facebook . com / dollydivineburlesque
Full Circle Studio www . facebook . com / fullcirclestudiouk

hion & pin up photographer ramidclicks - pyramidclicks @ gmail . com

of you being a photographer ? irst it was here he goes again lol !
ortive of my interest is most important , and actually a bonus as when checking through images r a “ Ohh I like that one .” Sometimes it ' s good to have two sets of eyes on something . my images I have had some very good praise and encouragement and a little help along the
uld I really be doing this ' and ' am I out of my league ?', but this has only encouraged me to carry
the furthest place you have travelled for a shoot ? I ' ve been to some great group shoots and made some good friends along the way . Recently I dio : what a great place that is , run by such special people , who made me feel very welcome , so ell worth it .
shoot ? sure I have everything packed and secondly make sure every thing is charged . It ' s always good he studio five times is not good . ( yep I have done that )