CT Magazine issue 4 - JAN13 | Page 33

d photographer ? ough to be a good ne ’ s determination . In a very determined ms and to push them to
have ever done ? particular favourite hoots in the past . I ys remain in my urite make up artists
lle . lowe . 711 ) and Suki S is . miles ).
like to tell us about
e in Photography al education in the ops in the past too . and Computer another degree in ntly , I gained my UK nd Level 5 Professional oment I am currently dministration in London is opportunity to thank ortive in my passion for nding when things get give up . I couldn ’ t
MODEL Lana Parker www . modelmayhem . com / 1892803
MUA Suki S Miles www . facebook . com / sukis . miles
I am still in search for interesting models , make up artists and stylists to collaborate with on new ventures . Please feel free to contact me on my email at sprakenyte @ yahoo . com and see my recent works through my Facebook Page at https :// www . facebook . com / DennisValdezPhotography .
You can also contact me on my following websites : PurplePort : http :// purpleport . com / portfolio / Dennis / ModelMayhem : http :// www . modelmayhem . com / 2734041 Purestorm : http :// www . purestorm . com / profile . aspx ? id = sprakenyte