Do you prefer working on location or in a studio ? As to working preference , I prefer to shoot in a studio however I have worked in different locations in the past . I normally invite models and also MUAs to my home where I believe it makes for a comfortable and relaxed environment for everyone .
What do your friends and family think of you being a photographer ? My friends and family have always been very supportive in everything I do and more especially with my passion in photography .
What preparations do you do before a shoot ? There is always a long preparation for a shoot with a model that I want to work with . To start with , I normally contact the model to suggest my ideas for the shoot or I will ask them sometimes what theme they may want to shoot . Once we have agreed , I will find a make up artist if they do not have one and will then set a date for the shoot . A day before the shoot , I will make sure that my memory card is cleared , all batteries are charged and lens are cleaned . If working in a studio , I normally meet the team usually outside the nearest train station and most of the time , I bring some snacks for them too . If the shoot is at home , I tend to make the shoot a relaxed one . What do you think makes a goo A photographer can be anyone . Alth photographer it really depends on o my opinion , a good photographer is person wishing to pursue his / her drea their highest standards .
What ’ s your favourite shoot you As of the moment , I do not have any shoot , as I have loved all my photo s always treasure them and they alwa memory . However , my personal favo include Annabelle Lowe ( https :// www . facebook . com / annabe Miles ( https :// www . facebook . com / suk
MODEL Antony Van Leemputten
Is there anything else you would yourself and your photography . I do not have any diploma or degre although considering getting a form future . I have attended a few worksh However , I am a Bachelor of Science Science graduate and also earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing . Rece qualifications in Level 4 Child Care a Training in West London and at the m studying for my Masters in Business A Bridge , UK . I would also like to take th Peter Edwards for always being supp photography and for being understa difficult , frustrating and I am about to thank him more .