FALL 2015
International Programs
The College of Extended and International Education provides education and training for international
students inbound to CSUDH as well as outbound programs for CSUDH students and faculty.
The International Campus
California State University, Dominguez Hills
(CSUDH) reflects the international flavor of
Los Angeles. CSUDH, one of the most
diverse student populations in the country,
hosts students and faculty from all over the
globe, sends students and faculty to study
and teach abroad, and offers short-term
education and training programs for
students and professionals. Our American
Language and Culture program helps
students to raise their English skills to the
level necessary for university study, and the
Open University enables students take
courses prior to formal admission.
For further information, please visit
The American
Language & Culture
Program (ESL)
English as a Second
residents who wish to improve their English
language skills..
social interactions, encouraging the use of
eye contact, exclamations, questions,
accurate intonation, and emotional tone.
Writing Class
TOEFL Waiver and International
If you are an international student interested
in applying to CSUDH, and would like English
language preparation to help you pass the
TOEFL exam, contact please ALCP.
International Students can meet the
university English admission requirements
without taking the TOEFL or IELTS tests
through the University TOEFL Waiver program
at ALCP. For more information contact ALCP.
Conditional Admission
These classes emphasize the process of
writing strategies from basic sentences
through research papers. Each class teaches
organizational patterns such as generalizing,
describing, defining, and expressing cause
and effect. In order to gather data for their
writing assignments, students share their
ideas, opinions, and suggestions in pairs,
small groups, and whole-class discussions.
These brainstorming activities lead to
teacher and peer analysis of student essays
where the focus is on topic sentences,
supporting facts, discourse markers, and
concluding sentences.
(vary session to session) Pronunciation,
TOEFL Preparation, Vocabulary, American
Idioms, Language Through Media, American
Grammar Class
These classes present important
grammatical structures in written and
spoken language. In-class grammar
exercises, homework and tests are given in
each level to help students increase their
mastery over the grammar skills learned in
Conditional Admission allows academically
The American Language and Culture
qualified students to be accepted to the
Program at California State University,
university after they study in our American
Dominguez Hills is an Intensive English
Language and Culture Program (ALCP) and
Program (IEP). ALCP offers a complete
meet the university's English language
program of 18 plus hours of classes Monday
through Thursday. On Fridays interesting and requirement (TOEFL or IELTS). Students
Reading/Vocabulary Class
seeking a conditional admission should
relaxing outings such as trips to Southern
These classes help students increase their
contact ALCP for guidance and assistance.
California tourist attractions, parties to
vocabulary within the context of meaningful,
celebrate an American tradition or holiday,
high-interest readings. Students learn the
Conversation & Listening Class
on-campus picnics; on-campus arts, music