CSF Annual Report 2018 Annual Report - Final-2018 | Page 4

Message from the Chair and Manager Since its humble beginnings in 1968 when it was named the Frankston Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), Community Support Frankston (CSF) is proud to be celebrating 50 years in our community and was one of the first community services to be established in Frankston. CSF was the second CAB in Victoria and the first to commence distributing Emergency Relief (ER) assistance and to publish a book advocating a progressive hand-up and empowerment approach to ER. The decision to expand CSF’s volunteer services from community information and advocacy to include material aid didn’t come without criticism at the time. However CSF - as it’s always been - was responsive to changing community needs and provided sector-wide leadership that helped pave the way for a more progressive CAB service model. While CSF’s service has grown, our principles have remained the same. 50 years on, our core services include the intake and assessment of people experiencing financial disadvantage, basic budgeting, community information, advocacy, referrals, follow-up, supportive listening and personal support to individuals and families. “Community Support Frankston, inspired by nearly half a century of volunteer community workers, seeks the common good through the fair and equitable treatment of our community’s most vulnerable members. We believe in providing services that are impartial and supportive of all diversity and the right to a fair share of Frankston’s resources for all people.” 4 It takes a community Our volunteers give their time to help create a Frankston where everyone has access to the resources, services and opportunities that will enable them to maintain a standard of living equal to that enjoyed by the majority. While we know this isn’t always possible, these ideals helped to inspire CSF’s 114 volunteers to dedicate a combined 15,762 hours to CSF services this financial year. CSF is more than just a place where people can come and access essential material aid (such as food, vouchers, assistance with bills, housing costs and essential medicines), CSF is an essential resource for local information, support and advocacy for people in Frankston who have nowhere else to turn for help. As brilliant as our volunteer community workers are, CSF is not a specialist service, but has continued to co-locate and partner with other services that assist in providing our clients with a more holistic service wrap around. Co- location of the Bolton Clarke Homeless Persons’ Program nurse is one such partnership, which also coordinates monthly optometry and mental health legal services at CSF.