Crown Nov. 2013 | Page 14

Stanislad Marie Maillard

After an outbreak and multiple riots, the national assembly is attacked. A man by the name of Stanislad Marie Maillard is captured by these “fish” women headed to Versaille in revenge. So how does this man become the leader of the mob? Saints weekly gets the details.

Maillard:“I was instructed to go down to the headquarters of the National Guard in order to receive instructions from my partner Gouvion as how best to remedy and prevent the destruction that might be wrought by these women in attack.”

So you say you were headed to the headquarters of the national guard because?



When you returned to the city hall did you expect the mob of women to be that large?

Maillard:“Not this massive and aggressive, they (the women) refused to let any men come in among them and kept repeating that the city council was composed of aristocrats. Because of the way that I was dressed they mistook me for a council member and wouldn't let me by! You see, I was gonna go change but as I stepped down the stairs I was stopped by a group of women. A few of the lead women shouted to the crowd that I was a Bastille Volunteer and that there was nothing to fear of me.”


From then on, what was their reaction?

Maillard: “I told these ladies that the National Assembly owed them no reckoning and that if they went there, they would cause a disturbance and would prevent the deputies from paying serious attention to the important business arising from the present situation.”