CRM procedures Legatee Transfers | Página 3

The Update Legatee screen lets the user assign different Legatees to dependants by manually selecting from the list for each line or updating all the dependants to one specific Legatee. To flag dependants as not being associated with a Legatee, select ‘No Legatee’ from the list. To allocate a dependant to a Legatee, select the Legatee from the list and click Update. To allocate all dependants on this list to either another Legatee or No Legatee, select the Legatee name or No Legatee from the dropdown list and click Update-All Dependants that have been allocated to ‘No Legatee’ can be assigned to another Legatee at a later date by using the LegTransfer and using the ‘No Legatee’ as the leaving Legatee. A separate LegTransfer task would need to be created each time this is done with a different reason.