CRISP #1 magazine ‘Don’t you design chairs anymore?’ CRISP #1 | Page 4

the road to CRISP

The Programme for the Creative Industries is launched by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education , Culture and Science . The creative industry is assigned as one of the four so-called key domains ( in Dutch : “ sleutelgebieden ”) of the Dutch economy . The Programme aims at unlocking the economic potential of the cultural and creative sector and focused on improving knowledge on the potential of creativity in industry , existing governmental instrumentation and entrepreneurship in the creative sector .
2008 The first ideas about CRISP pop up during a meeting of a Dutch Delegation in Hong Kong between representatives fromt the Waag Society , the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering / Delft University of Technology , Design Connection Brainport and the Ministery of Economic Affairs . The development of the program is encouraged by the fact that there is money available for the creative industry from a fund called FES (“ Fonds Economische Structuurversterking ”). Among others , FES aims for strengthening the Dutch knowledge economy .
Various parties in the Netherlands unite to start building a research programme for the Creative Industries . Cees de Bont ( dean from the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering ), launches the idea to focus the research on product service systems . CRISP , the Creative Industry Scientific Programme is born . In the same year , CRISP is one of the main elements in the government policy for the timeframe 2009 – 2013 , as defined in the “ Brief Cultuur en Economie 2009 : Waarde van Creatie ” ( Policy document Culture and Economy : ‘ Value of Creation ’).
2010 The CRISP proposal is officially submitted to the FES subsidy scheme initiated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and paid by from the Dutch Gas funds . The proposal was accepted by the Dutch Government on May 28th 2010 . NWO has supported the process of receiving the subsidy and is responsible for the administrative organisation . CRISP consists of 8 projects and the total program is steered by 5 boards ( SB , EB , PC , ISAB and BCP ), which all complement each other in making the program a success . The Rutte administration renames the key domains as Top Sectors . The Creative Industry becomes one of the 9 Top Sectors . This results in the foundation of CLICKNL , the national knowledge office for the Creative Industry . CLICKNL , like CRISP brings together science , industry and the creative industry in order to develop knowledge and insights .
When we started CRISP nearly two years ago , we were not confident that ‘ it ’ would work . “ It ? What ‘ it ’?” you may be wondering . Well , ‘ it ’ involves conducting eight diverse and multidisciplinary research projects ; it concerns keeping the focus of CRISP on Product Service Systems ; it deals with collaboration between academics , designers , and specialists from industry and the public sector ; and it refers to our aim to have a qualitative and economic impact on the creative industries .
As you leaf through this magazine , you will notice that all eight projects are now up and running . Some of them already have much to share : for example , that designing PSSs is a complex , multi-stakeholder activity , where the role of the designer has changed / shifted , requiring us to redefine what we mean with designing . Other projects are still exploring the fundamentals of their objectives , and the seeds they are planting promise a fruitful garden of knowledge . In this magazine , it will be evident to the reader that every CRISP projectmember has acknowledged the power PSS design holds for creators and users alike .
For CRISP , it has been and remains a major challenge to have such divergent parties collaborate so closely on research projects . Where academics traditionally want to take small steps with an eye to understanding , practitioners notoriously ask for concrete and applicable results … or so the thinking goes . Our projects show that both parties can work intricately together when they let go of their assumptions ; fortunately , both are more than eager to do so .
Will CRISP have the profound impact on the creative industries we anticipated and promised ? Perhaps it is yet too early to say ; but the stories in this magazine clearly demonstrate that we are on the right track . In an effort to convince a wider audience of the merit of our work , this magazine tells you about what we are aiming for and where we stand ; it shows what CRISP can offer you and your organisation . Most importantly , it demonstrates the dedication shown by every project member towards ‘ its ’ successful execution .
To conclude , a word of thanks : CRISP owes much , if not all of its success to Cees de Bont , whose abiding faith in this programme and drive to make it happen make him difficult to replace and impossible to imitate . I will not even try .
Paul Hekkert — 1963 p . p . m . hekkert @ tudelft . nl
. Professor at Delft University of Technology . Co-founder and chairman
of the Design and Emotion society . Chairman CRISP Executive Board

PREFACE Paul Hekkert

January 2011 The Creative Industry Scientific Programme ( CRISP ) officially kicks off . The ministry of Culture , Education and Science ( OCW ) supported CRISP extensively during the application process . The final ordinance was sent by the ministry of OCW to the CRISP consortium .