Crest High School Registration Guide Crest High School 2017-18 Registration Guide | Page 28

Students may take only one PE course per semester
Health / PE
Grade 9
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
This course is a combined course of nine weeks of physical education and nine weeks of health . In health , students study topics related to the
overall health and wellness of teenagers . In physical education , students are involved in activities concerning fitness , individual sports and team
sports . This course is required for graduation .
Strength Training and Conditioning
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Health / PE
This course is designed for the student who is interested in strength training and cardiovascular conditioning .
Advanced Strength Training
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Permission from Coach Clark
This course is designed for the student who is interested in advanced strength training and cardiovascular conditioning .
Advanced Strength Training
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Permission from Coach Hodge
This course is designed for the student who is interested in advanced strength training and cardiovascular conditioning .
Advanced Strength Training
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Permission from Coach Lemmon
This course is designed for the student who is interested in advanced strength training and cardiovascular conditioning .
Women ’ s Fitness Grades 10 , 11 , 12 1 Unit This course is designed for women who are interested in advanced strength training and cardiovascular conditioning .
Physical Education 10-12
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Health / PE
These physical education classes will feature a different sport every two weeks . Sports include archery , bowling , aerobics , soccer and volleyball .
Students will be expected to learn the rules of each sport , fundamental skills and to pass written and skills tests in each of the six areas .
Sports Medicine I Grades 10 , 11 , 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : Sophomores , Juniors , and Seniors only and Instructor approval This course offers an introduction to the profession of athletic training by allowing the students to actively engage in learning basic anatomy and physiology of the human skeleton . It also explores career options after obtaining a degree in athletic training . Students are encouraged to participate in hands-on learning while exploring the various types of injuries that can occur during athletic competition . Lastly , students are taught what to do and how to manage biohazard exposure through protecting themselves from communicable diseases . Psychological distress and other issues that affect athletes are also discussed in this class .
Sports Medicine II Grades 11 , 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : Grade “ B ” or higher in Sports Medicine I and Instructor approval This course offers an in-depth look into the foundations that the students learned in Sports Medicine I . The methods of treating athletic injuries and foundation principles of returning an athlete to play after an injury are discussed in this class . The general medical conditions and systemic injuries and illnesses are also discussed in this class . Students learn hands-on be helping tape , fit , and brace athletes for their injuries . They also help with practices and games and putting the skills they have learned in the classroom into action on a “ real ” person .
Sports Medicine III
Grade 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : SM1 , SM2 with a “ B ” and Instructor ’ s Approval Class Limit : 8
This course is a conglomerate to the previous two classes , allowing for only hands-on practice , game , and match set-up routines , practicing carrying
out the emergency action plan , and helping the certified athletic trainer monitor restrictions doctors have made based on decisions to return
injured athletes to play . Students learn and execute basic rehabilitation techniques and are given guided practice to evaluate new injuries
sustained .