CREDUT UNION REPORT 2013.pdf April 2013 | Page 3

GPSCCU Annual Report 2013 STANDING ORDERS 1. 2. A member shall only address the meeting when called upon by the Chairman to do so, after which he (she) shall immediately take his (her) seat. 3. 4. No member shall address the meeting except through the Chairman (a) (b) 5. The mover of a procedural motion – (Adjournment, laid on the table, motion to postpone) to have no right to reply. 6. No speeches to be made after the “Question” has been put and carried or negated. 7. A member rising on a “Point of Order” to state the point clearly and concisely. (A “Point of Order” must have relevance to the “Standing Orders”). 8. A member shall not “Call” another member “To Order” but may draw the Chair to a (b) In no event can a member call the chair to order. 9. A “ Question” should not be put to the vote if a member desires to speak on it or move an amendment to it except that “a Procedural Motion”, “the Previous Question”, “ Proceed to the next business” or the closure ‘ That question be put now” may be moved at any time. 10. 2 (a) (b) A member to stand when addressing the Chair Speeches to be clear and relevant to the subject before the meeting Only one amendment should be before the meeting at one and the same time. 11. When a motion is withdrawn, any amendment to it fails. 12. The Chairman shall have in addition to his ordinary vote, a “casting Vote” in the case of equality votes. 13. If there is an equality of votes on an amendment, and if the Chairman does not exercise his (her) casting vote, the amendment is lost. 14. Provisions to be made for protection by the Chairman from vilification (personal abuse) 15. No member shall impute improper motives against the Chairman, Board of Directors, Officers or any other member. A member shall not speak twice on the same subject except: The mover of the motion – who has the right to reply He rises to object or to explain (with the permission of the Chair.) “Breach of Order”.