Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 27

online channels of communication such as Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram for staying connected with and custom messaging end-users. Mr. Varun Yagain, CEO DogMyCats organised an engaging session on ‘Maximise Pet Shop ROI’ that dealt with aff airs such as shelf management; digital awareness; diff erentiation between specialised retail and modern retail; and cost of bringing in and retaining customers. Th e speaker also shared valuable tips on enhancing customer experience, increasing purchase frequency and assisting customers in once in a lifetime purchases. Th e eminent speakers also received certifi cates of appreciation and paintings of Indian street dogs and cats for their substantial contribution to the fi rst edition of the Indian Pet Industry Dialogue. September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida 27 | Creature Companion