Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 25
Indian Pet Industry Dialogue - IPID
Th e India International Pet Trade Fair (IIPTF) hosted the fi rst edition of Indian Pet Industry Dialogue (IPID) on August 23, a forum for
serious deliberation on the state of the pet industry in India, its future growth path and the global perspective. Th e conference began with
a welcome address by Ms. Linda Brady Hawke, Convenor IIPTF. Th is was followed by a key note address by Mr. Varindra Sewak, Former
MD, Purina India, who gave an outline of world pet food market trends and provided a comprehensive comparison between the pet food
markets in India, Th ailand and Indonesia.
MR. SEWAK’s speech embarked MRS. BOGUSIA DZIEDZIC,
upon the vision to make India the largest Company Director, Petfood Specialties
manufacturer and exporter of pet products d.o.o, Slovenia gave an enlightening
by 2030 and furnished necessary measures presentation on ‘Pet Food Market Trends.’
to attain this goal. Th e crucial suggestions Th e lecture focussed on key issues such as
included: modifying import rules to suit
requirements of the pet industry; providing
incentives to manufacturers to produce
locally; adopting innovative and advanced
skilfully recognising and positioning pet
food brands and products in the target
market; attending to expectations of pet
parents; incorporating expertise passed
on by market leaders with research and
technology; introducing specialised development facilities; and infl uence of
courses on small animals in veterinary trends like pet humanisation, prevention of
universities; and collaborations with animal diseases through feed, e-commerce
foreign universities to provide exposure in and personalisation of nutrition on the pet
the fi eld of veterinary science. food segment.
an engaging session on ‘Digital Media
– Build your Brand, Sell your Products
Online’ which addressed the challenges
faced by enterprises while managing
brands and products in digital space such
as short attention spans and wavering
loyalties of consumers. Th e session
imparted knowledge on articulating the
brand story, defi ning the business purpose
and making the brand experience content
and data driven. Th e seminar also touched
down on the signifi cance of holistic
consumer engagement, personalisation
of scale and organic reach in social media
DR. JASJEET JOSAN, senior veterinarian, delivered an Indian Pet
Industry Overview and attributed the growth of the Indian Pet Industry
to increasing awareness about management of pets, rise in disposable
income, double income households and the burgeoning trend of pet
humanisation. Th e rapid escalation of the Indian pet care market has aided
in the development of preventive animal healthcare and veterinary science,
demarcation of designated pet spaces in residential colonies and resorts,
arrival of global players in the Indian arena, an upswing in the exotic
pet industry, mushrooming of start-ups based on pet requirements and
introduction of specialised services such as pet insurance, palliative care, pet
grief counselling and cremation facilities.
September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida
| Creature Companion