Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 24

Concurrent Events set up with natural mosses, Bromeliads, Cryptanthus, Anubias and Ferns. Terrariums are decorative glass enclosures used for creating miniature garden spaces. Th e third edition of Aquagic showcased a magnifi cent terrarium for air plants in order to encourage visitors to take to the current trend of maintaining globe terrariums to enhance home and offi ce decor. Mr. Adip Sajjan Raj from Aqua Design Amano conducted a Nature Aquarium Workshop that was attended by aquarists from across the city. Adip shared practical advice on creating aesthetically pleasing aquascapes which included tips like not adding too much moss in the initial stages, correct placement of moss in order to absorb maximum moisture, the kind of fertiliser to be used for diff erent plants and paying attention to small things while arranging aquatic plants and accessories within an aquarium. He encouraged participants to enjoy the leisure pursuit of creating a picturesque aquascape by giving time and thought to placement of plants and accessories in a specifi c manner to add character to the display. Th e workshop also organised some interesting quizzes and discussions on aquascaping techniques and presented aquatic plants, samples of aquarium soil and aquarium accessories to the participants and winners. Aquarists were encouraged to share pictures and videos from the event on social media platforms with the hashtag #naworkshopdelhi. IIPTF HOSTS DOG BREEDING AND EXHIBITION SEMINAR by International All Breeds Judge Ms. Yashodhara from International All Breeds Judge conducted a benefi cial workshop on ‘To Be a Successful Breeder’ on August 24, 2019 at the IIPTF. Th e speaker addressed the major challenges faced by the unorganised dog breeding sector in the country such as lack of information on canine genetics, dog health and mating practices; and neglect of standard breeding guidelines and procedures by breeders. She encouraged participants to become good handlers in order to become good breeders, maintain quality of their specimens and search for senior, experienced and knowledgeable people in the fi eld of breeding for reliable information on canine health and mating habits. Th e breeding workshop was followed by Mr. Shharat Sharma’s informative and engaging session on ‘To Be A Successful Exhibitor in Dog Shows.’ He shared basic etiquette tips for dog exhibitors such as interactions with fellow exhibitors with respect to pedigree, maintenance of canine health and breeding programs; making a good impression on the audience and judges; keeping nervousness at bay during dog shows; and the signifi cance of confi rmation training classes for dog handlers. 24 Creature Companion | September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida