Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 22
Concurrent Events
IIPTF 2019
The Feline Club of India organised a Feline Convention on August 25 at the eleventh edition of IIPTF.
The conference began with an introduction to the Feline Club of India by Mr. Ajinkya Chopade. This
was followed by a lecture on Cattery Management by Mr. Saquib Pathan, President FCI, which
covered topics such as breed orientation, kitten upkeep and biologically appropriate cat food.
Dr. Kunal Dev Sharma from Max Vets enlightened the
audience about Basic Feline Management procedures such
as feline nutrition and care; and skin infections and skin
health in cats. Prof. Utpal Tatu from IISc threw light on the
recent advancements in Pet Biotech like developments in
diagnosis of cat diseases, science behind cat litter, benefi ts
of microchipping, pet insurance and clinically proven diet.
Dr. Vinod Sharma, renowned veterinarian, conducted
an educative session on Feline Dental Care and Fungal
Infection. Th e convention also hosted stalls by Royal
Canin, Whiskas and Orijen to inform participants about
the special features of their nutritious formulas for cat
food. Th e seminar concluded with the speakers being
awarded mementos in recognition of their valuable
contribution to the convention.
IIPTF 2019
Radhiya Hemchandra from Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Styling Studio and
Spa organised a three hour workshop on ‘Learn the Art of Dog
Grooming and About the Grooming Industry’ on August 24 at
the eleventh edition of IIPTF. Th e seminar helped participants
understand the importance of grooming in dogs; the specifi c
grooming requirements for each dog breed according to type,
standard and coat texture; and the art of maintaining the delicate
balance between face and body while grooming a pet.
Th e speaker shared valuable information on dedication of specifi c
time to canine breeding; prevention of bacterial and fungal
infection, and hair fall in dogs; eff ects of bad products, diet and
grooming practices on the general appearance of dogs; value of neat
fi nishing texture and the consequences of dehydrating dog food and
extra sugar and sweets on the overall health of the pet. Th e attendees
were also briefed about presentation of dog breeds according to FCI
and AKC guideline standards.
Creature Companion | September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida