Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 17

polite smile and start a conversation by complimenting their pampered companion and asking its name. Then subtly hint towards the mess their dog has created in the community space. You can end the conversation on a courteous note by offering an extra bag to clean up the poop and thanking the RWA authorities and colony residents for the well-maintained dog park to induce guilt. You can also convince your RWA representatives to form a local pet waste removal service at a minimum contribution from all pet owners in your colony. Housing complexes can also allocate specific park areas for pet defecation to prevent the entire green space from getting filthy. You can also p u t up a poop when nature calls. You can carry along a poop scooper, plastic bag or newspaper packet to clean up after your pet the next time you take it out for a walk in the park. Secure the packet properly and dispose it off in a dustbin designated for this purpose. Never throw your poop bag in neighbours’ garbage bins as this can easily become a bone of contention between colony residents. Even though disposed waste is no one’s property, trash cans come under personal belongings of residents. Always remember to carry extra eco-friendly or newspaper disposable bags for poop emergencies. Don’t ever allow your pet to relieve itself on other people’s property like gates, lawns, mailboxes, vehicles and potted plants. Dog and cat urine is very high in acidity and can damage grass and plants. Allowing your dog to do its business on others' personal property is a sign of bad manners on the part of both the dog and its owner. You will often come across pet parents conveniently forgetting or ignoring the dog park rules. If you encounter other owners ignoring their pet’s mess, don’t become aggressive and turn into a community watchdog at any cost. Instead play the diplomatic card and confront the ill-mannered owner in a civil and tactful manner. Approach the erring owner with a “Scoop the Poop” sign in your balcony or backyard to encourage fellow residents and pet parents to do the same. Be a responsible and well-mannered pet parent! Make sure that you cause the least nuisance to children playing in the park lawns, residential property owners and adults taking a walk on road pavements. * Editor September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida 17 | Creature Companion