Peanutran was going up
and down the stairs. He
was continuously barking
until her owners let her out.
Th en, Peanut led them to a
naked toddler freezing in a
ditch behind their Michigan
home. Th ey called the
authorities, who discovered
the child and her sibling’s
lying in waste conditions
Owner Josie Conlon said the collie began to cry and paw at
her chest even though he was rarely aff ectionate with her.
Conlon says, “A lot of people would probably just push a
dog away if it started clawing at their chest, but dog owners
should take notice because Ted really did save my life.”
Th e fi ve-month-old puppy was out for a walk with
Maya Fairweather, his owner’s 18-year-old girlfriend.
She let Apollo off his leash to play in a park. But Apollo
saw an attacker pin down Fairweather and he bit the
man in the leg. “He’s a good boy. I think he saved my
life,” Fairweather told the media of Apollo.
Sako accompanied Joseph
Phillips-Garcia and the teen’s
aunt and cousin on a fi shing
trip. Th eir car fell down a steep
hill, and the lone survivors,
Phillips-Garcia and Sako, were
thrown from the vehicle. Th e
teen sustained a compound
fracture to his femur. Sako
kept him warm all night,
helped him get to a creek for
water, and fought off coyotes.
“He saved my son’s life,” the
boy’s mother said.
Masha a tabby climbed into an abandoned baby’s box.
Keeping the infant warm, Masha meowed until she got the
attention of a passerby, who rushed the baby to a hospital.
A hospital spokesperson said, “Th e baby had only been
outside for a few hours and thanks to Masha, he was not
damaged by the experience.”
February - March 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 2 • Noida
| Creature Companion