Brave Pets
Four burglars broke into a house, very determined,
they did not hesitate to shoot the owner of the premises
who would certainly have died if Left y hadn't thrown
himself on him to protect him from the impact of the
bullet. Th is shadow hero suff ered a very serious injury
and unfortunately had to have one leg amputated
because of human stupidity. But he is alive and saved
his master from a certain death. Isn't it a beautiful story
of animals that saved lives?
Source :
A dog saved dozens of
people at a ceremony
in Nigeria by thwarting
the bomber’s plan. Sadly,
both the dog and the
suicide bomber died in
the explosion aft er the
attacker detonated her
explosives. Source who
lives in the area told the
press“guests are grateful
that the dog sacrifi ced
itself to save their lives.”
Source who lives in the
area told the press.
By Ajatshatru
Following an altercation on an Atlanta
road, the driver followed the family to
a nearby strip mall and opened fi re.
Th e dog jumped in front of one of
the children and a woman in the car
and died of gunshot wounds behind a
nearby building. Atlanta police Sergeant
Gregory Lyon said,” Th ey survived that
only to fi nd that their pet is now gone.
Th e dog, who belonged to a neighbour,
dragged a 4-year-old boy off his bicycle.
But the family cat — aff ectionately called
“Hero Cat” by the media — chased the
canine away from the child, preventing
further injuries. Th e father of the boy
said the dog did not know what hit him,
when the cat sprang into action.
Creature Companion | February - March 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 2 • Noida