I was shocked. Surely this man had not just said that he was going
to cut me down! But he had. I had heard so with my own ears. My
life was in the gardener's hands. Surely he would remain faithful
to me! Anyway, if not, there were so many flaws in this plan.
Surely the gardener would be clever enough to see that this
woodcutter was too sly to keep his word! And, to my great relief,
he was. He smiled regretfully and said," Nobody will pay you
anything for this tree's wood as it will remain attached to the fruit
and the roots in this garden. Now here's your money and clear off
yourself, or I will call the mistress. Good bye."And that was the
last I ever saw the woodcutter. And then luck struck. I was brought
importance by a fortunate event one afternoon. That day, the
queen was riding past. It so happened that tyre got punctured.
While waiting under my shade, she caught sight of my fruit
hanging past the garden walls."Oh!” She exclaimed, “I must have
that mango!."So the minister came, knocking on the door of the
gardener, demanding a mango for the queen. The mango was
presented, and the queen just loved it much that she had me
uprooted and planted in her garden! And put a picture of me on
the national flag! Oh! Only if my friends back at the classroom
could see me now! I am the country's emblem, the pride of the
Written by:
royal gardens, the mighty mango tree!
Hari Shanjana,8D
Blessing in disguise
Something good that isn't
recognized at first.
A penny for your thoughts
A way of asking what someone is
Actions speak louder than words People's intentions can be judged
better by what they do than what
they say.
To further a loss with mockery or
Add insult to injury
indignity; to worsen an
unfavorable situation.
Very expensive or costly. A large
An arm and a leg
amount of money.
At the drop of a hat
Meaning: without any hesitation;
Back to the drawing board
When an attempt fails and it's
time to start all over.
Ball is in your court
It is up to you to make the next
decision or step.
Barking up the wrong tree
Looking in the wrong place and
accusing the wrong person.
Compiled by:
Varsha ,8D