creativityschool creative corner1 | Page 30

Story time THE Autobiography of a Tree It may be hard to believe, but once upon a time I was just a mere result of a science project. The children planted me in a plastic cup full of damp cotton. Aah! It was such a luxury, with no worms to gnaw on my roots and no insects to burden my arms. The children often fought over chances to water me, and the teachers praised my growth.In other words, I was spoilt. I was appalled when a lady snatched me away from my haven in the classroom and deposited me in her garden. I was devastated. Nobody ever visited me except a grumpy gardener who gave me water once a day. The other trees and plants never said anything, and for a while I thought that they were ganging up on me. I was still young and never saw anything as my view was blocked by a tree in front of me. I missed my perch on the window sill.Then one day,a disaster occurred. The house in the garden caught fire. Thankfully, I was out of danger zone but I was frightened. Luckily, I was not hurt much, but the other plants were. For the first time, I stopped thinking of myself, but thought of others. I tipped my leaves so they could que